You are on it. Why are you here? Why did you search for Urban Dictionary on Urban Dictionary?
Are you weird
Urban Dictionary is a site you are currently on.
It’s what you’re in. Stupid asshole.... Well, it’s a cancerous site where people fuxin search up names for personality’s and put ass reviews on stupid stuff like GTA 5
I got cancer thanks to Urban Dictionary.
But now I have Cancer type 1 and 2. fuck.
Basically Reddit but the dictionary version
Has the same type of people on it except on here they are "English majors"
James: "Hey do u use Reddit"
Jimmothy: "Of course not! How dare you assume I use that filth! I use Urban Dictionary. Of course, someone like you would use Reddit as I see you don't use a comma after "Hey", spell "you" correctly, and not put a question mark after "Reddit."
The worst and greatest website of all-time, which makes me not know if I should laugh or cry at the extent the human race has evolved/degraded to.
Urban Dictionary - Holy, what the... oh my god.