Source Code

Dick douche canoe


Karen was being a dick douche canoe and driving in the left lane.

by Willie June 12, 2021

Douche Shot

A photo of a reflection, of a shirtless male, posted on the internet with the intention on showing off his muscles

your friend posted a picture on facebook. he took a douche shot. lame.

by smokes420 March 30, 2011

der douche meister

The douche of all douches. He is The Supreme Douche. All other douches, even The King of All Douches, are subservient to him, for his douchiness is beyond all others.

Dude! Look at Dick! He's being such a douche he can only be The Supreme Douche. No one could be more douchy than Dick. He's clearly der douche meister.

by speedshift September 17, 2014

Douche powow

When a 3-11 douchebags are in the same room, it becomes a douche powow. Also applies to dickhead bosses.

Dude, wheres our boss?

He's in a douche powow with the owner and several higher ups

by keith1234567890wryyrueueu February 14, 2011

douche powow

A meeting with 3-12 bosses who are lazy and are douchbags

Where's our boss?

He is with the president and other higher ups in a Douche powow

by keith1234567890wryyrueueu February 20, 2011


/v/ to envelop another in the cloud of one's vape exhalation

I don't like hanging out with vape-smokers; it's a constant battle to stay upwind to avoid being douche-skunked

by nativepress April 24, 2017

douche cringe

The feeling one gets when he/she is watching a douche commercial with his/her parents and starts to physically 'cringe'.

Did you see that dude's face? It gave me a total douche cringe.

by Gunner Longfellow January 13, 2007