Source Code

Panzerkampfwagen IV ausf G

True happiness and joy

Oh my god! Its a Panzerkampfwagen IV ausf G, I'm so fucking erect!

by frankreich November 16, 2020

G's up, Ho's down

This comes from the streets, man! Often referred to in rap songs. It indicates the need to have the gangsters "up" or on top of things, and keep the Ho's (bitches) down. Thought to have originated from pimps who would say it to indicate their whores were on their backs making the money for the pimps. Often said when greeting a fellow G, or upon entering a room or party. Meant to re-assure

G1: Greetings. G's up, ho's down.
G2: Fo' shizzle, ma' nizzle. Word.

by Gacis June 2, 2004

424๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

James G. Blaine Elementary

A small elementary school located in Chicago Illinois where boys can pull there pants up to show their ass cheeks, but girls can't wear tank tops. A school where they stopped teaching Spanish probably because no one gave a fuck. A school where a teacher had an affair with the principle, and where if you go there and aren't white, you are 100% whitewashed. A school where during the summer becomes a spot for druggies, hookups, a meeting place for before and after the ledge. A school with pretty shit track teams, and a school that you're only popular if you're pretty/hot. And also a school that hates nettelhorst and bell for no reason. But for good reason.

White girl: omg I go to bell what school do you go to?
Other white girl: omg girly I go to James G. Blaine Elementary
White girl: omg you guys used to have clout, do you wanna meet up there after the Ledge?
Other white girl: omg yes for sure, see ya later girly.

by thickdickdaddy1312 October 9, 2020

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

g. m. worker

Where do I start? Drunk cokeheads that have to get TV's put out onto the assembly line so they will show up for work Monday nights! Also, manufacturers of fucking junk vehicles- usually white trash hot rods!

G. M. workers are overpaid, under worked and toothless.

by G. M. Worker October 2, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


An acronym of Girls Are Shit Hot.

A popular epic kinda indie, electro, grimey, new rave, screamo, with some jazz funk beats, a country twang, a little urban, acid, 2-step, techno, you know, like afro-punk, mixed with a bit of ambience, folk, brit-pop, caberet, swing, cyber-funk, metal, dance-hall, disco, with a bit of heavy drum and bass, reggae, glam rock, progressive rock, and a bit classical, sorta grindcore, blues, grunge, hardhouse, opera, like indietronica, jungle, samba, with some yodelling, post-industrial, rap, soul, bitchcore Portsmouth based all girl band.

Often refered as being the 'New Sound'.

'This is G*a*s*h!' pronounced 'Gash'

by SAPAK October 28, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Four G's of Life

1-Gash,(pussy or women), 2-Golf, 3-Gunnle(beer), and 4-Groin Coin (money) are the 4 things every man needs. They all begin with the letter "G". There are 4 of them, hence the 4 G's of life.

That Donald Trump epitomizes the Four G's of life

by Peter McBride October 6, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tankoo The G/Tankoo The G is An 17 Year Old Supped Star From The West Side Of Chicago.

Tankoo The G / Tankoo The Goat

by Tankoo The G July 28, 2022