Source Code

Tory Piss

eew thats disgusting. and its pissing

Person1:eew thats disgusting. and its pissing
ikr? thats disgusting tory piss
some furry: i will swallow all the tory piss

by im rowan what the fuck is up February 5, 2021

turkey piss

when your pee stream goes in a direction not intended.

Dude that was a turkey piss!

by drunken_tiger January 19, 2018


inside joke fucking fat ass furry

big boi boner baby faster faster daddy i cum inside you PLEASE SENPAI SEX MORE MAKE ME A CREAM PIE AND ICE CREAM PUT THE CREAM IN ME DADDY wait THATS RIGHT I CAUGHT YOUR ASS SIMPING SUCKS PISS YUM fucking simp yeah yeah fuck you

by sherk is nice February 21, 2021

piss to

Laugh from someone, pointing someone's flaws.

Don't piss to me boy. - don't laugh from me boy.

He pissed to me. - he said upsetting thing s that I'm not agreeing with.

by Kilimate January 29, 2019

piss cards

When you're playing cards with drunk people, and somebody who just peed without washing their hands become the dealer.

Nah man, you keep them... I don't need any piss cards, decks aren't that expensive.

by itstheimplication May 17, 2015

Strawberry Piss

When your PP has blood innit

Joe was peeing out blood so we took him to the hospital, The doctor said he had a condition known as Strawberry Piss

by LtBeast October 30, 2022


A periodic inability to initiate urination, despite the need and opportunity to do so.

There's something about the toilets at work that gives me the piss-yips.

by tvrbird October 7, 2014