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Crunchy peanut butter mohawk

When you go to pee in an upward motion and squeeze to hard, resulting in a poopy accident. Due to natural instinct butt cheeks are clinched immediately causing a Mohawk like shape to the feces. With the rough texture and light Carmel color of the Mohawk, it gives a crunchy peanut butter look. The first and only crunchy peanut mohawk incident was during fall of 2022 by a gentlemen named Grant Parker.

Oh my golly! I think I just released a crunchy peanut butter mohawk

by aidangreen January 4, 2023

Pee Nut Butter

The product made from the fat and protein components of a Homo-sapien's pee and nut.
It is a semi-solid emulsion at room temperature, consisting of approximately 80% nutterfat.

-Matt , do you want some pee nut butter on your toast ?
-Sure , Alyza , it's so tasty !

by Ashes January 14, 2021

Peenut butter

Butter made with real pee!

Hey man, I need some peenut butter to go with my poo

by pokelover1010 June 19, 2023

6👍 1👎

Nutter Butter Stutters

When somebody goes on a streak of stutters while talking or chokes under pressure during a game.

Billy was doing great during his presentation until the Nutter butter stutters got to him.

by WeUsedToPlayHouse April 13, 2022

Spread The Butter

"spread the butter"

like when people are making a show with little material

they just "spread the butter" to make it seem like a full idea

when anything bigger has a smaller source

he really "spread the butter" about his athletic skills

can also work in reference to fibbing

That definition seems like she "spread the butter" on it.

by Aissakur March 22, 2023

buttered her arse

Buttered her arse = Shot nut butter up a lucky ladies arse

Kev - Man, this slut last night left me no choice but cum in her batty

Chris - sounds to me like you Buttered her arse

Kev - With Fucking Gusto my friend

by schereru March 27, 2014

Frog Butter

You take a guy in a frog suit and a tub of butter and then you shit it all out and bam baby frog butter

Hey what do you want on your cow steak
Frog Butter

by Super Blue January 22, 2022