means that you love me, aka thinks i’m the best .
she was throwin up 4’s to her because she thinks she’s the best
A word meaning you love big fat a$$
Im throwin up 4’s because i love big fat a$$
a common male name used around the world. he is a American white boy probably good at sports. he likes all the shemales. favorite food is most likely hummus. thinks he is a pro body builder. his type of grils is isebela Merced.
is that a Umar S over there?????
Sudz. Over. All. People.
Choosing family no matter what, whether it’s your birth family or the family you have created through friends you always put them first.
Commonly used on Reddit, indicates a sarcastic meaning in whatever was said immediately previously to the “/s”
responding to someone who has just given birth saying they’re tired
“You think you’re tired? I just pulled an all-nighter playing call of duty 😒 /s “
Originates from Reddit. Used to indicate when a comment is /satire.
Birds work for the bourgeoisie. /s