The most perfect human being alive she has the fattest bunda and is over all amazing
Elle p is used for her bodyyayayayayayay😮 💨😐😐🥲🤓🥂🤓🥲
When you get so incredibly bored to a point where its unbelievable, literally to the point where you are about to die of boredom you type this. You take four letters, type the front and the start and then do the middle. Repeat for the whole keyboard.
hey dude
im bored
type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
done that
ok how about mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq
done that
fine last resort type qrweafsdzvxctiyugkhjb,nmopl\;'
An artist that makes banger songs.
Usually collabs with ghost
Person1: do you know that the artist creep-p released his new album?
Person2:no way!!
The most amazing girl ive ever known she was there for me to the end i love her she my bread queen NO ONE I MEAN NOOOOO ONE can take her place not even if you tryed she will always be in my heart if you seeing this its Shay ilu with all my heart no homo tho 😋❤ if you disrespect her stfu then byeee
¨Hows Madi P.?
¨Who is Madi P.?
A crazy funny girl that stands up for what she wants. She’s very athletic and loves most sports. She loves listening to music and many look up to her
Is that Haley P, Oh man she’s awesome
Referring to the lower portion of the female anatomy.
I ate a p-bomb, yo!
She dropped a p-bomb, and there was blood everywhere!