The generation for when you don’t want to classify as a Gen Z/A for all the sexual kids nowadays.
Gen S, short for Gen STD, is the generation of both Gen Z and Gen A’s kids that are here to be sexual. Gen S is also the generation that tends to think they can cancel every little thing, such as Eminem.
Oh my god, did you hear that Tod’s part of Gen S? I’m totally attracted to him!
Gen S is the best generation, we can cancel anyone!
Gen S is short for Generation Selfie, the self-absorbed young people who can't do anything without taking a selfie and posting it on Instagram.
The Gen S kids didn't even talk to each other at the bar, they just posted pix to their followers.
the gen z that don’t act like gen z at all and are basically millennials but younger
did maya just use the dog filter?
yeah she’s gen s
A WONDER FULL person that does nightcore and has an amazing discord and YouTube channel that does nightcore
karren-ugh my daughter listens to this idiot call U N D E R D O G S instead of Christian music
janet-oh thats a shame...
daughter-f u mom they're the best you just don't understand!!
somthing that will never be real
hari: S+M
safwan:bro that aint never gonna be real
S+M is a soon-to-be couple formed by 2 Portuguese people, they are cute and goals
S+M are couple goals
South African, Durban, Indian slang terminology
Your father or an elder man
Example 1: my ballie is not here.
Example 2: these ballie/s are gonna cause it for us