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Bryant and Jade

Probably one of the worst couples out there considering he sucks and leaves you because you're suicidal and he wants your best friend, but won't admit to it because he's a pussy.

Bryant and Jade -
(A week after promising to stay together forever no matter what.) "I'm breaking up with you" (ON MEMORIAL DAY MIGHT I ADD!)
2 months after that he admits to his current crush that he has a crush on her, but won't say it's actually her and she tells you and puts you into an even worse heartbreak and then you call her out on liking him back because your true best friend actually tells you the truth and she leaves you because she didn't want to deal with it.

by juvenilewhore September 3, 2022

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jade west

The reason I’m bi

I thought I was straight As a kid till I saw jade west

by Sweater weather October 25, 2019

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Olivia Jade

You know Aunt Becky from Full House, well this is her shitty daughter. A girl that likes to cheat her way into school. Especially college. An ungrateful and entitled bitch.

"Olivia Jade cheated her way into college?"

"Nah she bribed her way in."

"With money."

by Matthewmcconaughey March 14, 2019

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jade west

the bitch in victorious that likes wayyy more than the MOVIE β€œthe scissoring”

tori vega: you really like the scissoring huh
jade west: you know i like i lot more things that involves {scissoring} ;)

by daddy andre November 25, 2019

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Jade Harley

A Doggo

Jade Harley is best character

by AllTheFandoms1 August 29, 2017

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A very modest girl who isn't at all arrogant in the slightest and doesn't love to brag about how she can get with anyone she wants. She is extremely beautiful and gorgeous and VERY INCREDIBLY sexy. You will want to do it with her as soon as humanly possible. She has an incredible personality, is extremely funny and is so talented (She can play 3 different types of guitar). Have I mentioned she's sexy yet? She has a smile and laugh that will make your day and she is super loving and caring and selfless and sweet. She's also is SUPER into cars (for some reason) such as Teslas, LOVES spider man (Tom Holland specifically for some random reason), and SUPER DUPER into Disney. As soon as you see her you will fall truly madly deeply in love with her and will not want to let her go. Even if she doesn't even like about karaoke and you're amazing singing talent (not even realizing there is a singing superstar sensation right in front of her eyes). She also takes a CONSIDERABLE amount of pleasure from absolutely refusing to repeat herself EVER. Hope you have supersonic hearing because one time is all your getting when she talks. No repeats. She is also INSANELY competitive, (like GOOD LUCK trying to have a fair match in anything) she'll always rub it in your face and even when she doesn't win (which is all the time) she will try and convince you to say otherwise with her sexy kisses and...persuasiveness. Never let her go because she is an absolute keeper.

God I love my Jade so very very much she means the world to me

by Adam Cole BAY BAY December 8, 2019

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Jade, the most thiccest, hottest most cuttest girl i know, she most likely has a bf who's name starts with "L", she likes to speak in a deep voice, nows how to ride a suck reall good, likes the nickname smelly or stanky, she can be freaky when she wants to, has a good connection to her mates and has alot of them and the most she will be loved by her bf for eternity

Jade is smexy and down to ride whenever

by Ryan Devlant April 21, 2020

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