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The type of person who when you make a joke begins to insult you and when you say he is salty he blocks you deletes your comment and starts saying you are Butthurt

Me:*makes joke*
FuckBoy:"wow look at this fucking faggot he needs to get a fucking life"
Me:"this fish is a little salty"
Fuckboy:*blocks me* "wow I'm not the one who gets Butthurt over a comment you fucking ass bandit"

by Da real Skeletor October 24, 2015

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A fuckboy is typically someone who will be a douche at all times and then talk to you sexually they typically have names like goshen or chase.

Oh did you speak to goshen?
Yea he’s a total fuckboy

by Fisijdjasnejd July 19, 2018

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β€œFuckboy,” refers to a group of people who are so completely and utterly useless they contribute nothing to people around them or to society as a whole. "Fuckboys" are easily identified by flat bill hats, tank tops, and most of the time have trendy company logos tattooed on their bodies. Fuckboys usually drive cars with mismatched paneling, broken lights and windows, or having a dude in the passenger seat while his old lady is driving. Only limited interaction with a fuckboy is suggested since you can literally become dumber by simply listening to one speak.

That fuckboy in that Silverado just cut me off!

by ZT14 December 5, 2017

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A male slut

Did you hear that Brad slept with Jackie and Becky? He's a total fuckboy.

by Hazeljane September 22, 2015

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Fuck-face kid who thinks he is cool. He says gooooooodmorrning to you, expecting you to give a shit. He also post edgy depressed ig edits on all his social media.

Alexis is such a fuckboy.

by Sant Lurkel September 22, 2019

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Fuckboys are sexual vultures and predators waiting to lure and peck on women with low self-esteem who are too susceptible to compliments and validation from strangers. They can be found lurking online social media sites, clubs, the gym or anywhere a girl with low self-esteem may find herself. They often pounce on the weak-minded girls who like to hear the good things, while merely plotting to have a good time with these needy women.

Those fuckboys are having a feast validating that needy girl online. Yeah, that girl's too easy.

by sammysammysammyyy April 11, 2018

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A boy that only has sexual feelings towards a girl because of her body only, and not her personality

Damn... He's a big fuckboy for dating those curves...

by charlie.pflug March 9, 2017

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