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i cum in a girl

by peter cumer February 23, 2022


hot steamy cum

im going to cum

by chinchico434 July 7, 2021


The white stuff that comes out of a peins.

You:Mum! White stuff is coming out of my penis!
Mum:That's cum son!

by FatUglyWhiteChick December 9, 2020


A fake stock name used on Reddit (especially r/GME) to parody the efforts of hedge funds, which have been attempting to divert attention away from $GME by hyping up other random stocks.

"GME is cool, but I'm loading up on $CUM now" -Reddit user

"Just wait until you see tomorrow’s news articles ('Reddit is pumping $CUM!' or something else along those lines)." -Reddit user

by Ajfndjcoakqmdkf March 5, 2021




to become focused again

i wanna make you #cum

by BumStatusYo December 16, 2018


A sticky blend of protein and salt that brings a smile to the face of every woman who swallows it.

Cum - it'll get ya drunk!

by Lil Jon 420 May 20, 2005

41👍 65👎


Career-Uplifting Move: When you do something gratifying for your boss or co-worker(s) that will likely get you promoted.

Pulling the extra mile turned out to be a real CUM for June.

by Nozem April 1, 2015

7👍 7👎