Source Code

Woody (name)

Beautiful man with a great build. Woody’s love people for a long time. They date beautiful caring women. They also have a long woody.

Wow... Woody (name) looks so good. He must lift weights because he is gorgeous!!

by The Truth.nat May 13, 2019

Name day!

Name day is where you chose a new name for yourself and people can call you that name, you can choose any name.

Melvin - Hey have you heard on June 7th it’s Name day!
Ashley - What’s that?
Melvin - It’s when you chose a name to be called for a day.
Ashley - oh that’s cool! I chose Val!
Melvin - Oh that’s nice! I chose Natalie.

Jack - Hey nat and Val

by Naomiii! May 16, 2021

Bong Names

Chron Burgendy


Dank Sinatra

U.S.S Dankenstein

Benjiman Danklan

George W. Bush

Obi Bong Kenobi

Quibong Gin

Luke Highwalker

Erbminie Granger


Dankcreatic Cancer

Bowldomore/ The Dank Lord

Billbong Baggins


Bong With The Wind

Bong in 60 Seconds


James Bong

Bong Kong


What are some good bong names?

All of them.

by Mtaylor1057 May 15, 2009

63👍 32👎


When you and someone else have the same first name.

*sees name-twin in the hall
Person 1: YO Name twin!
Person 2: Dont call me that!

by Chestnutdude11 December 7, 2011

7👍 1👎

E (name)

E is a name given or chosen to someone who has very strong belief on what is or is not right. They often find themselves trying to find peaceful protests near them that support thing they believe in. Es also are prone to denying that they are good at anything. Many E's are fans of Girl In Red, Dodie, MCR, Cavetown, Melanie Martenez,Thomas Sanders, musical theater and many more. Es come in all shapes, sizes and genders including Non-binary, Gender Fluid, Demigirl/Demiboy male, female and many more. Es also commonly support or are a part of the LGBTQ+ community either by being on the transgender or non-binary spectrum, by being on the aro/ace spectrum or by having a sexuality other than straight (heterosexual). Es often find themselves in groups of friends that are apart of that community, are musical theater geeks or are very unique in the best way possible. Es often need hugs from friends and love to call and text them long through the night. Es are very determined people who don't like to give up. Es can spend hours scrolling through urban dictionary reading or writing definitions. Also enjoys singing karaoke

person a: "whos that over there singing about a squid?"
person b:"squip not squid and thats E,"
person c:"i heard they went to a protest last saturday,"
person a:"wow they seam kinda weird but in a good way you know?"
person b:"absolutly."
E (name) for the urban dictionary bot that says i havent mentiond thw word in here

by E_the_enby June 7, 2020

6👍 1👎

say the name


A: Say the name

by naepittamnunmulmotherfuckers February 21, 2017

7👍 1👎

Name Rape

The act of someone guessing the pronunciation of other's names wrong on a consistent basis. This action happens on a defenseless and unwanted level, giving the victim a feeling of being raped.

No matter how common the name is, the Name Rapist will always completely butcher the attempt at pronouncing a name. The victim may spend large amounts of time pondering how someone could possibly fail so badly.

Victims may be Name Raped multiple times by the same Name Rapist. Name rapists will usually strike again and again until a victim has spoken up about previous incidents.

Sometimes a Name Rape is followed by a quick aside, showing even more ignorance.

The following is an example of a college professor engaging in Name Rape during the first class of the semester:

Prof.-"Deeemon Smith? That's odd.."
Prof."I was gonna say....."

Prof.-"Katey Willshit? *looks around*"

Prof-"Shakira Montorossa?"
Shakara-"Shakaaaar(rolls R)aa Monterosa!"
Prof.-"Sorry Shakira."

by Hayden5757 September 8, 2011

6👍 1👎