avery really enjoyed eating martins ass! avery ate martins ass.
Avery hobbs is the most amazing human being. plant-lover, boba-lover, fish-lover, artist, funny, gorgeous (though she denies). if you don’t have an avery hobbs in ur life, get on u pathetic worm. never let them go and love them with all your heart because they deserve it. They’ll miraculously be up at 3:30am and will chat w you even though you seem high and keep jumping from topic to topic. yay
“I’m lucky to have Avery Hobbs in my life.”
Mya has a dumpy, Glenn has chonk. He doesn’t realize that Glenn has a dumpy while Mya has chonk. All three have chunky dumpy’s.
Reece Avery Nordstrom has a chonky dumpy.
A badass that gets in a lot of fights and whoops ass. She's known as a lesbian and pulls girls from left and right.
The Emery headlock is used by Avery Emery when she whoops ass
The fucking man! You love the n-word, you have Lil Baby on speed dial, sexy, pulls all them bitches, you are hot as fuck, you most likely football player. You have a FUCKING GINORMOUS DICK, you are gay wit the homies, and you are the TRUE alpha
Girl 1: Did you hear about Avery Beck's nudes getting out?!
Girl 2: OMG YASSS, his dick was fucking ginormous!
Girl 1: I KNOW RIGHT! I also heard that him and Olivia had sex!
* Olivia walks up *
Olivia: OMG it was AMAZING, he had a 10 feet defeater and he lasted for like 5 hours! Not only that his dick touched my Belly Button!
Girl 1: Damn I wish I saw it!
Girl 2: Same!
Olivia: Well you can watch it on our new Only Fans!
* Olivia winks *
Is a girl that likes girls thar are hot and funny and sexy and cute.... But she hates this guy named jed he don't know why its just a thing. She likes the girl on the girl scout cookie box shes hot says averie. -jed 2020
Averie what the. Hell are you doing with trent thought you were gay... He has a gf