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Brady Baker

A short person, often bullied by taller people. A reference to a short person. Brady baker also is a pu$$y and lets people take advantage of him sexually in class

Look at the Brady Baker right there! He is so short!

by BradyIsShort April 14, 2022

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Raygun Baker

A dumbass hooter wannabe with small tits and low iq. Has the mindset of a manchild baby eater. Used to drink energy drinks until she fucked up her heart. Weird ass band geek...

Raygun Baker has no tits. HAHAHAHAHA

by npsuckspeen November 11, 2019

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corry baker

(1)a person who bakes corries.
(2)corries-a small animal found in america.

he is a corry baker

by Anonymous January 30, 2003

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mathew baker

Mathew baker is a very sexy, strong, and caring gentlemen who will care about hard-work and gains at the gym he is a loving and caring person. Mathew baker most likely is a cat person. there hair usually has a few styles the most common is that of a mop. if you find a Matthew baker worship him as he is probably god.

man I love Mathew baker

by jeny cook February 23, 2023

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josh baker

a boy who owns my heart,

he probably doesn’t know it but he’s cast a spell on me that nobody can undo,

i’m lost,

you are the knife inside my chest that pains me with every breath i take,

and the only way to stop the pain is to pull out the knife or to stop breathing.

β€œwhy are you looking at him like that?!”,” i can’t help it, he’s my josh baker”

by isthiswhoyouthinkitis? July 17, 2020

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kallie baker

a sexy girl with massive tits tha is in love with ellie morgan (another sexy girl)

see her over there she is so sexy she’s a kallie baker

by Cblockontop June 30, 2021

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The sexiest man alive

Omg is that sebs dad??! He’s so hot he must be Paul baker

by Criticaldamage July 20, 2021

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