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Sausage Catcher

On the receiving side of a gay relationship

Justin Bieber is a sausage catcher

by ThePitcher December 2, 2012

Oyster catcher

A promiscuous lady or guy of the night willing to suck down every last oyster.

Annie is a a real oyster catcher, she got every last drop.

by Ninclouse2000 October 3, 2019

oyster catcher

A slutty chick or guy that loves to swallow just after meeting a guy.

What an oyster catcher, Annie is. She just took that dude into the bathroom.

by Ninclouse2000 October 3, 2019

Oyster Catcher

Ladies underwear

My dog keeps snatching up my Oyster Catchers and dragging them around the house. Its even worse that he likes the dirty Oyster Catchers the best! It’s so embarrassing when I find my dog has drug dirty oyster catches into the neighbors years.

by CrazyJ. September 9, 2020

bud catcher

someone who only hangs out with people so they can get free weed. like a bug catcher except they metaphorically catch bud through people so they can get high for free constantly and also fill their crippling loneliness by hanging out with people

"dude, he is such a bud catcher. all he does is chill with those dudes from school so he can get stoned because he hates his brother harry"

by diiversal April 27, 2016

The bro catcher

A strange, gnarly man who haunts the edge of campus. Beware the bro catcher.

Uses netting, and Natty to lure unsuspecting bro into a trap. Subsists on a steady diet of Lemonade, and biscoff cookies. Beware the bro catcher.

"Steves been gone for days dude."

"Yeah, I know–last I heard–"

*There is a rustling sound in the bushes*

"What the fuck?"

*The bro catcher pounces*

"Run! It's the bro catcher!"

by ThisiswhoIReallyAm July 10, 2015