A Deep State chef responsible for cooking up schemes to subjugate the masses. Often a background player shielded from any consequences when their dirty dealings are inevitably brought to public light.
"Did you hear about the Twitter Files? Sounds like the Biden laptop stories were true all along."
"Yeah. The Deep Chef is working overtime doing damage control. I bet they'll blame this one on Russia too."
Camp chef grills are know to be dog shit.
Hey look at the jiggaboo cooking on the camp chef.
Hey granddaddy chef how are you OwO senpai kun I’ll shank you
Who Chillaxx With ?
& Who 2 Who Flex Most Effective ... !+)
Trying Recipe's Of Who Matches Who , In You're Social Kitchen
One Thing To Recognise Is Friend Chefin ! Ya know , work out who sits where at the Christmas dinner Table...?
Do not touch this mother fuckers beard, flat top, or cooking knives or he will delete your face with his lit cigar.
He grabbed my buddies knife and went to the flat top then got done dirty chef todd style.
A Chef Marcus is a name given to line-cooks who are not very knowledgeable and unpleasant to be around. They often exhibit robot like elasticity when walking, or early signs of rigor mortis when attempting to act out a scene.
Hey did you see the new chef marcus we hired? Jit moves stiffer than a palm tree.
The real way to pronounce Chief in terms of TMT, just trust me on this one
Chief(CHEF) is a redheaded white boy