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cry cold

An extremely low temperature that, when you are exposed to it, makes you actually feel like bursting into tears.

"It's cry cold out there!!"

by Natacia Noel December 20, 2008


Joshua Dovey

HOST:What word in the dictionary would Joshua be?
KIA: "Common-Cold"
Host: "That's two words"
Kia: "Not if I can help it, add it to the dictionary"
Host: "If it gets added, I'll give you that"
Kia: "To all people, please accept so I can win this. Your vote changes lives!"

by YouKnow...ThatGuy January 11, 2019

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cold beef

When you had a beef with someone that either happened a long time ago and you haven't seen them, or you have and it's been left unresolved.

I don't want to go to that party tonight. Ricky is going to be there and me and him have some cold beef from last semester.

by slicknasty May 2, 2020

cold Manson

an act of crawling into a dog tent to do a line of ketamine, followed by inhalation of "whip-it" (nitrous oxide), followed by a big sip of ice-cold Margarita. Usually performed outside at a festival or camp out setting.

I went to camp Hyena last night for a cold Manson and woke up today absolutely bamboozled.

by Gobkin May 28, 2021

Cold Horn

A disease where a musical instrument (most likely made of brass) becomes cold. The cold makes it harder to play the instrument, especially when it uses a mouthpiece.

Cases of cold horn usually occur in cold climates (duh) or transporting the instrument outside while it is cold. (once again, duh)

This can be avoided by keeping the instruments mouthpiece in a warm place, like a pocket.

Another way to avoid it (if your a trombone, trumpet, etc player) is to buy a plastic mouthpiece

Connor: Ahhhh dude, I got cold horn while walking in here.

Quinten:Haha, sucks dude, I had my mouthpiece in my pocket, so mine is warm.
Good luck with that high F.

by schevendy scheven March 13, 2009

cold motorhoming

Parking a cold face into a busty woman's cleavage. No motion or noise is required unlike motorboating.

While waiting in a line to a club when it's cold outside...
Girl: My boobs are cold, why did I wear such a low cut shirt?
Boy: My face is cold
Girl: We could be cold motorhoming instead of complaining

by Adam D. Matthews February 21, 2013

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Cold Pillow

When a person or thing feels extremely good.

"Yo, that herb is hella cold pillow." "I cant get up this couch is too cold pillow." "The other side of the pillow is super cold pillow."

by crantron March 18, 2015