Why the fuck am I looking up quivering curtains
The smell that's left in the room after you have sex that has now stuck on your curtains. This can only be called "curtain frost" if sex took place 3 or more days ago.
"I had sex a couple of days ago with Amy, and there's still some curtain frost."
The curtain room is a room in a store filled with pornographic items. Outside this room is a curtain, as a door, and a sign saying 18 or older may enter. This store is most likely filled with bongs or pipes or pin ups.
Man 1: "Hey man, you would not believe it! They let me in The Curtain Room without an ID!"
Man 2: "Did you get anything? Did you get me anything?"
Man 1: "I got you some poster of a porn star, some pornos, and some nudie magazines. And me some nudie magazines and some posters.
crust curtains:
when your a chic and your vagg starts to rust shut and then begins to fall apart.
"ive gotcrust curtains"-Madonna
When a woman temporarily forms a penis with her beef curtains
She had a magnificent but temporary curtain pole. Invented by Jimmy Why
Term to describe Donald J. Trump's proposed wall between Mexico & the United States. A wordplay on the "Iron Curtain" that divided Berlin in the 20th Century, & the fact the Trump has a problem with expressing the truth.
The Lying Curtain is a wall between Mexico & the United States that is currently being proposed.
The belief that there is nothing more to art than surface-level interpretation and that anyone who tries to find deeper meaning is an idiot, a practice of anti-intellectualism.
"Why do you even care about symbolism and themes? The curtains are just blue!"
-typical subscriber to blue-curtainism
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