Source Code

digital ghost

A profile (from MySpace/Facebook or whatever) that remains active after a person has died.

Person: hey look its that person i knew in high school

*posts something*(but the person from high school is dead)

*no reply* (or if the digital ghost is haunting *reply*)

*spooky music*

by reuabag January 1, 2011

5👍 4👎

digital crabs

The aqcuisition of a phishing scam that posts on a friends social network advertising some amazing thing but after you click the links, posts spam to your homepage and sends your personal info to a third party.

I was on Facebook and this APP posted on Jenny's page that said you could see who had viewed you profile, but it turned out to be a scam. I feel dirty like I caught a case of digital crabs.

by Captain Underpants III January 22, 2011

Digital Speed

The speed at which things happen on the internet.

Also, the speed of your multitasking abilities on the computer.

To do more than one thing at a digital pace as opposed to the analog time at which real life happens.


Person1: Dude!I contacted you like 5 seconds ago.WTF?I thought you had died!!

Person2: Sorry man, I was away for 10 seconds.

Person1: Damn, digital speed can really mess with your head.


PersonA: Wow!You got back to me really fast.

PersonB: I'm always online so I get everything at a digital speed.

PersonA: Wow.So I must be on analog time them.

PersonB: Yep!Get with the times.


Person1: Yo!Did you hear about that new sextape that's going around?

PersonB: Man, that was like 2 seconds ago.Everyone's talking about the sneezing panda.

Person1: Whoa!My digital speed must be lagging then.It's that goddamn wifi connection!

PersonB: Sucks for you.

by DamianTempest June 12, 2010

Digital Campground

The place a Geocacher stops to rest during a long Geocaching session.

Dad! Can we go back to the digital campground? We've been geocaching forever!

by Reihn April 6, 2010

Love digit

A slang term for the penis.

"Man i just measured my love digit, 3 inches!"

by Chase Mcyeet February 11, 2019

Digitally Adhesive

NerdSpeak for 'sticky fingers', for those inclined to be kleptos

Don't leave you I-Phone, etc. unattended at public places, plenty of folk are digitally adhesive

by AmboNec September 30, 2013

Digital Facial

1. The act of blowing your load on a digital or computerized image of a person or living thing.

1. I haven't had sex for 6 months now, it's gotten so bad that I had to go on the computer and give a digital facial.

2. Jenna Jameson? Ha! Back in the day I gave her so many digital facials.

by pryztyx July 13, 2012