The PG word for sex. “Ding-dong” is for dick, while “kitty” is for pussy.
“Yo! I just had sex!”
“Hey dude, my baby sister is here, cool it.”
“My bad. I just had a ding-dong kitty!”
ding dong dingily dong ding dong ding
ding dong dingily dong ding dong dingily dong ding dong dingily dong ding dong dingily dong ding dong dingily dong ding dong
When a man slaps someone on the face with his penis consensually during Oral sex
"Ah man this spanish chick last night loved a bit of ding dong"
"Seriously Bro! those spanish girls are wild"
Ding Dong can mean multiple things, It can mean a door bell is ringing, Also, If you call someone a ding dong, It can mean that you are calling them dumb, or stupid.
1.) I heard a ding dong! that must mean that my party guests are here!
2.) You're a ding-dong
A British exclamatory term of excitement, usually paired with an OK hand sign.
Associated with being offered alcohol, pizza, cheese or drugs.
(When high, the phrase is vocalised with a high-pitched voice, imitating a woman's voice).
Alternatively, "ding that dong" is a term indicating the action of just doing any random, good thing.
"Charlie, I got some leftover pizza? You want some?"
"Don't mind if I do, ding dong!"