Like a butt dial but for men that carry their phone in their front pocket.
Oops, sorry that was a ding dong dial
The art of Ding Dong Ditching but instead of ditching you whip out your dick and scream " Ding dong, suck my dong!".
Dave: Did you hear what happened last night?
Chad: No, what?
Dave: Adam ding dong dicked Jessica!
Ding dong Dicking
A colloquial term for “strap on” that can be used in polite company.
My boy Matt had a girl cum by work the other day to introduce her son to him. Upon meeting him, he asked “mommy, is this the ‘new daddy’ that asked you to wear your ding-dong panties?”
A place where you eat irons and do randoms thing and be stupid!
I an flappa dappa ding dong!
A person that you request by title on the telephone when you call and demand to speak to the booga wooga ding dong.
"Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp? Who put the bugs on your booga wooga ding dong?"
When someone nearby catches your attention by saying your name but, is talking to or about someone else with the same name
Stranger: Hey Josh! how are you doing?
Josh: *looks up from phone from nearby*
Different Josh who is actually talking to the stranger: I’m good how about you?
Josh: ... I just got mental ding-dong-ditched