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Doctor Ford

The act of basing a claim with no facts or evidence. The only fact is that the claim is plausible and many people want it to be true. Often used for political gain. "To Doctor Ford someone"

I will Doctor Ford you to get what I want.

by The electrical guy. October 9, 2018

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Fox Doctor

A furry that happens to be insanely good at pleasuring his/her significant other.

Wow! Look at her! She's 100% a Fox Doctor

by stellargd April 21, 2020

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spin doctor

Someone who manages the media for a politician or political party, to the extent of manipulating policy and behaviour for the sake of image.

The role was typefied
(some might say invented) by Tony Blair's 'Director of Communications and Strategy' Alastair Campbell.

Spin doctors have been the death of modern politics/

by Seb Flyte June 1, 2005

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The 11th doctor

A hipster currently in doctorwho with a bowtie who flies through space with his Sexy TARDIS.

Last night I had an 11th doctor marathon. GERONIMO!

"I prefer the tenth doctor to the 11th


"The 11th doctor rocks!

by Not Karmanaut August 18, 2012

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doctor x

Bastard motherfucking cunt

That wanker was a satanic Doctor X!

by DOCTORXXX April 9, 2016

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fart doctor

A person with a doctorate in the study of flatulance.

Steve-Hey Tom my farts smell like salmonella
Tom- you should see Dr. Methaine he's the best fart doctor in town

by piss jerking March 3, 2017

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Cock Doctor

Someone who engages in sexual behaviour with members of the same sex.

"Susith is such a cock doctor!"

by TimmyN July 23, 2008

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