An emphasis on the word fucking.
That was fa-hucking incredible.
The utmost form of being absolutely baked out of one’s mind. After the smoking of large amounts of marijuana, good kush, or the dank mcdizzle, one becomes Fa-riedddd. When one achieves this level of high, the night is going great.
Knights of Columbus! We are absolutely Fa-riedddd.
literally short for 'fuck you bitch
Sarah: date me please
Roxas: fa-q bits
The solfège syllables in order as the notes of a musical scale ascend, i.e.: C = do, D = re, E = mi, F = fa, G = sol, A = la, B = ti
Doe (Do!), a deer, a female deer
Ray (Re!), a drop of golden sun
Me (Mi!), a name I call myself
Far (Fa!), a long, long way to run
Sew (Sol!), a needle pulling thread
La (La!), a note to follow sol
Tea (Ti!), a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to do.
Do re mi fa sol la ti do!
To be in agreement with. To be down for
Girl: you wanna go get faded at the bar and then hit the after party tonight? Guy: fa shig uh dill!