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B Team

Derived from high school varsity and junior varsity sports, where the "B Team" is made up of the stragglers and uncoordinated losers. Used in a situation in which someone drops, breaks, messes up, stutters during an insult, or just acts a fool.

"Dude, that was B Team on your part."

by Carney February 8, 2005

161๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dance team

a group of highly talented dancers that work their butts off continuously. Not only do they have gruelsome dance practices for hours, they also have to then march with the band. They do half-time at football and basketball games, they go to band camp, band marching competitions, parades, spring shows, dance competitions. They have "officers" usually colonel, major, luitenant, captain etc...No, they are not fat, ugly chicks, they are sexy and gorgeous like cheerleaders who can actually dance. NO they are not all whores, although they are VERY flexible.

wow, that chick is FLY.. she must be colonel of the dance team.

by Journeyrpt08 August 4, 2007

129๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Class A Team

A label , group or belonging to of young hot schedule A drug users that also prostitute to support their addiction . You may have seen a hot young girl before prostituting on the street and often wondered why she is doing it . It is because they get hooked on crack or a similar schedule A drug and get caught up in a vicious cycle that is extremely hard to get out of . Usually ending in tragedy.

And they say Angel is

in the Class A Team ,

She is Stuck in her daydream and

Been this way since she was eighteen .

Joe "Hey Angel is so sexy hot, I want to do her so bad"

Frank " good news Joe , you are in luck . just buy her , she is part of the Class A team "

by EarlF August 29, 2013

71๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

cweam team

A group of superior trollers, a person in this group will be very funny, and way too cool for one person to handle.

That guy is so cool he must be apart of the cweam team!

by Allah Cweam August 29, 2020

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Team Steam

The ultimate trust activity between two bro's involving the interlocking of hands to allow the two team members to lean back and drop logs. The two steamers must be in complete trust and open to complete a team steam correctly or both will end up with shitty asses.

Dude, we had to team steam because there were no trees to lean against.

by BSU Beaver February 6, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Team Volvo

The rally race team headed by Nick Doyle in his Volvo 240 wagon

Team Volvo shot into the lead after passing Team Saab with a risky backroad shortcut thus winning the race and our hearts

by Team Volvo August 22, 2003

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Meme Team

Meme Team (MT for short) is a small group of 6 friends that was created on 20th May 2020.
MT has a private discord server and instagram where they talk about everything.
Each member is special in their own way and is important.
They help each other and try their best to be there for each other
They get into fights but they always end up getting back together

Person 1: Hey did you hear about MT breaking up?
Person 2: Oh yeah, they'll get back together soon, they're impossible to break apart.
Person 1: Yeah man, you're right. Meme Team is great

by turtles.com November 5, 2020

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