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The kids that never really ever fitted in and where made fun of for most of their childhood. When they got to highschool they tried to fit in but where still given a hard time. They eventually form a group and slowly start wearing black and talking about how they hate life. Often get do very strange things for attention. Do very poorly in school and anything else in life (sports, music, grades, drama) yet claim to be artistic

Goth-Fucking prep!

Me-What did you say?

Goth-You don't understand what pain really is!

Me-Pain you think you understand pain and suffering? Your a kid in the suburbs in the most affluent area of town who has most likely never met a poor person. If you want to now pain try living in a third world country

by free thought master June 22, 2005

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yes, we get it, not all people who wear black or have some gothic aspects are goths. however, when people refer to goths, they usually mean:

- weird people with pure white make-up... because that looks good....um.... oh wait no. usually they have black eyeshadow, and if they're a mega-goth they have it going down their face like tears or blood from the mouth.

- retards wherever you go that hang around places looking depressed and sad. they usually listen to shitty bands like cradle of filth and marilyn manson.

- people who come to school very late or don't come in at all. when asked why, the usual response is something like "I had my period for the 7th time this month" or "I was tired," - because obviously they are the only ones that feel tired in the morning.

Want to become a goth: a unique individual, rebelling against conformists? Just wear all the same clothes they do and listen to all the same music they do!

by I'm your mother December 11, 2004

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Goths Put Frankly, Are, Total Friggen Wankers That Listen To Manson.(Everytime I See One I Feel Like Nailing A Fucking Ramones Record To Their Head So They Can Take It Home And Listen To Something Decent) And Dont Relise That Everyone Hates Them For Being Conformists To A Degree That Shits On The Groups They Are Trying To Rebell Against.(Even Though The Fuckers Only Do It For Attention)

Goth: 1 Hey Lets Go And Hand Out Razorbades At The Manson Concert To Help Our Bretheren Who Are To Depressed To Brigh There Own.

Goth: 2 I Cant Man My Bootlace Broke Today So Im Too Depressed.

Me: Fuckin Goths.

by Super Telecom July 17, 2006

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Somebody who is tricked by other goths into thinking that dressing in all black, dyeing their hair, and saying "anticonformist stuff will set them apart from the "Sheeple" <- people who act like sheep, aka conformists. but in reality, they are merely conforming to an anti-conformitist role. doesn't make sence, i know.

All GOTHS EVER: I hate you for loving (mainstream item) thats why you are a loser conformist.
Me: go eat a razor, and stop acting like every other goth. Ever

by Eppiccnniicckk November 15, 2009

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Alot of people have added what a goth really is, a thoughful caring person, and some other chavs have added some hate mail you find down the bottom of the page...
I'll say what i think makes a goth
The biggest virtue is of course, selflessness.
A goth wont lower themselves to looking at people and saying "chu looking at??" then promptly begin beating them up... well only if they outnumber their prey two to one, thats called a chav people.
Secondly, goths are creative thoughful people who have very colourful personalities.
Goths don't resort to typing like this: "hey, u kk?" "ye i fine ta", we actually bother to speak proper english.
A goth wont also think that they are the most important person in the world or act like cowards, (i.e. chavs).
We also dress what makes us happy, we dont care if you say its not "in" we dont care whats "in".
You might think at this time im being a bit harsh on the chavs, but next time you watch the news, or a cop show on tv, look at the guy(s) in the stolen nova, or running from a store laden with stuff...
someone wearing burberry or some stupid tracksuit. There are very few goths or others very similar that commit serious crimes.

Chav:"What chu looking at?"
Goth:"Excuse me?"
Chav:"What chu looking at me for?? you wanna make somethin of dis?"
Goth:"No, I..."
*Goth gets stabbed by chav for no reason*

by Scottism September 12, 2008

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usually people are goth becouse they think they have problems or they are wannabes some goths though are usually like that natrally they really are depressed unlike most goths wich like i said are only acting it to go with there appearence but not its true not all goths dress in black with chains becouse im a goth and i dont dress like that to often or act depressed when im really not, some people though have a huge misunderstanding on the "true" goths who are that way by nature which i think people need to open there eyes and figure out the posers from the naturals. and i read a thing earlier and just to get things striaght not all goths get drunk and fuck dead animals the only ones you do that are the sick bastards who make all us goths look bad by making everbody beilieve that all goths are supposed to be sick and satanic, but its not true and some goths do have a life the only ones who dont are the ones who think there lonley and abused but most of them are not there only acting. and i just wanted people to know this so they dont talk about all the ok goths, its only the wannabes and sickos that you should talk bad about. thats all i have to say now. oh and one more thing i found this and just decided to wright if i am wrighting from the wrong thing please let me know

im goth and im nothing like that

by Jen ^_^ October 2, 2006

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People who are black everywhere, except their skin.

I am a goth. Most of us think we're depressed, but we probably live in upper to middle class homes and we get to buy clothing with zippers and holes in them for hundreds of dollars, even though most people can make it themselves for much less.

by j0shumz June 27, 2004

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