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horizontal hypocrite

When someone shuns a group of people while also being in another group of people with the same attributes as the former.

Guy 1: I hate Minecraft fans! They're all kids and cringe.
Guy 2: Aren't you a Roblox fan? Don't you get the same kind of comments? You're such a horizontal hypocrite dude.

by kornelbut July 19, 2024

horizontal hypocrite

someone who is in a group that's mischaracterized by many people, but they themselves mischaracterize other groups

Person 1: I hate Minecraft fans. They're all annoying kids.

Person 2: Aren't you a Roblox fan? Don't you get the same amount of unwanted hate? You're such a horizontal hypocrite.

by kornelbut May 21, 2024


When your just a person who gets a bit angry sometimes, and now your so called "friend" are calling you a hypocrite.

Emmanuel: Dude yesterday I asked you if I could be added to the Ty Family Server!
Riley: Of course no one wanted you to join because your a hypocrite!!!
Rohan: Isn't that obviously?
Emanuel (Feels Hypocrited).

by cool dude 09876543211234567890 April 14, 2022

Hypocritical Animal

a person that is a hypocrite/annoying

Bella - Your a hypocritical animal
Jade - your an idiotic ape

by Slim Jady February 21, 2017

hypocritical cow

a word that u use when you're young cause you don't know what it means.

a word used to describe hypocrites

(person tells you not to whistle then he whistles) you hypocritical cow

by hows the kids dave September 20, 2019

The Anti Acronym Hypocrites

A group of hypocrites known to hate acronyms, yet, they call them selves TAAH.

The Anti Acronym Hypocrites are... well... hypocrites. I bet they all have CFD (See definition of Communism Fondness Disorder (CFD)

by Rybrotic November 15, 2016

Double hypocrite


Oh look it's tabish the dogs favourite double hypocrite

by Sparklesforeverprincessalways August 30, 2017