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Get someone's Irish up

To cause them to go into a blinding, seething, often-homicidal rage. See also: Infuriate.

Get someone's Irish up: "This mother-fucker is gonna get my Irish up if he doesn't get out of my way!"

by voodooKobra July 7, 2007

49πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Kiss someone special week

From March 1st to March 7th, kiss someone who means the world to you.

Ralph: Look at Jake and Lisa kissing over there.
Leslie: Well obviously, it’s Kiss someone special week.

by Sloth man88 February 28, 2021

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Offended on behalf of someone else

One of the most annoying things to come across is someone who is offended on behalf of someone else, especially when that other person themselves isn't offended or even a victim. It's when someone is offended by something that isn't an attack on them.

American Liberals are offended on behalf of someone else when they try to make us replace "Indian" with "Native American", even when Indians themselves prefer the former and are not offended at all.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 20, 2020

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Eat someone else's lunch

To have relations with someone else's significant other.

-Man, that girl is fine, but she's dating my friend, and I don't want to eat someone else's lunch.

by 186716871871867 April 9, 2010

27πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

are you being intimate with someone?

Are you having sex with someone?

Girl -may I ask you a question? Guy -Sup? Girl-Are you being intimate with someone? Guy- No I am not.

by Babynewbelove December 30, 2017

beat the dirt off someone

To beat the dirt off someone is basically to beat someone up who has poor hygienic habits.

I'm going to beat the dirt off someone if I find out who stole my burger.

by 4142410769ra@gmail.com January 17, 2017

did someone say oil?

a meme that got popularized in late 2022 with a famous tiktok audio, usually consists of black sabbath's song "paranoid", filthy frank's famous "welcome to the rice fields motherfucker" and robin williams shouting "GOODMORNING VIETNAM", it's meant to poke fun at usa for pumping a lot of oil and getting oil while offering them "freedom"
eg: 20 tons of freedom (while showing a nuke).

headliner: "uganda finds a new oil source"

person 1: did someone say oil?

person 2: have some of this freedom

by mr sister fister 69 January 17, 2023