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A pea brain boy who cheats on his roblox gf with brunettes. He can’t remember which roblox gf he’s talking to even if he just declared how much he hated them 5 minutes before.

Lacy: you’re being a total Jacob right now!
Jen: no! I’ve never cheated on a test or roblox significant others

by Quonah July 23, 2020

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


- Jacobs are some empathetic s.o.b's.
- They don't know the meaning of caring for themself.

- Not the most attractive human beings out there but have a heart 10x as big as their body
- Gets along with literally everyone: Plays video games with the nerds but it also on the basketball team.
- Also secretly listens to hard rock and heavy metal but no one knows except the people who have the pleasure to meet a Jacob.
- Also kind of a doofus.

A: Hey, did you see that new kid that moved down the block?
B: yeah I think his name was Jacob or something like that?
A: don't bother then. He is just going to sit inside and play video games all day.

by maple.smash March 30, 2019

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž



Jacob is Just an asshole

by caveman1993 June 11, 2020

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


an annoying dickhead

bill- oh theirs another Jacob

by dgrss March 26, 2019

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Jacob gets horny very fasted loves the idea of sex will make any girl smile normal has brown hair and tall and very out going will do anything for his girl

Girl 1:so u go out with jacob
Girl 2:yea
Jacob:hi. Cuite

Girl 2:he makes me so happy

by Alessa April 19, 2019

2πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Off brand Mexican

Jacob is an off brand Mexican also known as shirtless jake

by Taco cat 14137 September 15, 2019

2πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Jacob is a kind but shy person but he is very tuff and ready to throw down at any time but for good reasons, he helps his friends if needed he's very blunt but a good friend over all

Guy 1:Hay did you here what jacob did
Guy 2: no why happend

Guy 1: he beat the shit out of that one dude because he was picking on a friend of his
Guy 2: he is a guy that u don't mess with man watch out or git 9n his good side or else

by Jake90isdope April 24, 2018

1πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž