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A boy who is probably a weird nerd or an eboy. He can sometimes be fun, but usually acts like some psycho guy that hides his tiktok account. A really great person, usually into girls named Natalie.

Natalie: Oh look! It’s my boyfriend, Liam!

by ineedausernameokbye March 16, 2019

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Term often used when referring to a person with huge nipples. He can range from different heights, looks, personalities, but his nipples are always the same. They are usually round like peperoni's, and pointy like a traffic cone (or "party hat"), or sometimes resemble high heels.

"Look theres a liam, look how his bold nips are piercing through his top, he could take someone's eye with them!"

"Liam's got the nips out the day, his nip nips must be feelin it"

"Look at those plunger nipples, he must be a liam"

by Anonymous_420_BlazeIt February 22, 2014

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A bright boy who listen to you with no judgement. You are very lucky if you have one in your life.

Hey it's Liam! Let's go say hi.

by lover boy ! January 4, 2021

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has over a 150000 meter cock

Liam so good at you know what its so big

by qdlguq June 6, 2019

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Liam is a gay lord and act likes a crackhead 24/7

Hey it is Liam he is gay

by @dont@me November 4, 2019

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Massive nonce normally likes people half his age, normally small and smells of cabbage.

Person A: Ew look at that guy hes covered in shit!
Person B: Don't you mean hes covered in Liam.

by richard lol October 6, 2019

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A Liam is an asshole who fucks everything over for a girl. Liam can also be funny at times and really caring to guys. Liam might be secretly gay so keep an eye on him. A Liam is always lonely and always goes to a gym or a pub.

Did you hear about Liam? He's such a dick to this girl, but he's great for drinks.

by ThisRandoMan April 26, 2019

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