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Jakob The Liar

A movie based in Poland WWII, starring actor Robin Williams as Jakob. He overheard the BBC on the German Officer's radio that the Russians are coming to their aid. He tell his friends the good news but lies about owning a radio. He was then caught and asked to denouce the radio, but he refused to and was executed in front of the whole town. The town's folk was then packed into a train bound to the concentration camps but was soon intercepted by the Russians.

Now Jakob the Liar is used for a person who sincerely lies just to give everyone hope.

Katrina Victim 1: Maybe we can all catch a movie, something to cheer us up.
Katrina Victim 2: Hey stop Jakob The Liar.
Katrina Victim 1: Never heard of shadow play?!

by jaggae July 24, 2006

congenitalia liar

a person who constantly thinks up, writes or tweets lies about their sex life. usually a neglected child who'll think up anything to spice up their life, but are too thick to know when the game's up and spot that people see through their bull.

OMFG! that derek's such a congenitalia liar! he's been on facebook all night lying about his conquests! he's never pulled anyone!

by gomble April 5, 2011