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1) An idiot's way of typing 101. lol.
2) The phrase that only an idiot would type.

What an Idiot types:
"Wh`at thhe... Hahahah h!!@.lol/?"

by XInTheDark August 13, 2019


An internet or SMS word meaning 'laughing out loud'. Has been overused to the extent that when you type lol you really arn't even slightly amused.
Or you cbf looking at what they just said

Kat: My names like the fantastic feline!
Penguinman10: lol

PeteBra: Yesterday I broke my foot and when I came home my parents had been murdered and im sooo upset ;
Me: lol

by Sycomoron April 15, 2007

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1.verb:to laugh out loud...usually used online when nothing else is to be said.

VikramMC:I ate 2 pancakes yesterday.
VikramMC:What is this "LOL" you speak of?
Sally:Laugh out loud you stupid indian!

by Pakman July 22, 2005

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What I do when I see your face.

You: Hey man.
Me: LOL.

by Hobbezz August 30, 2008

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Originally used for saying "laugh out loud" or "laughing out loud"
Now used for:
1. In awkward situations when you have nothing to say

2. Something you say after you say something mean, to imply you are joking when you are really not

3. Something you say when you are annoyed at the person you are texting

(1) Person #1 Hey, my grandmother died today, and I found out my dad has cancer. and my best friend overdosed and is in the hospital.
Person #2 lol

(2) Person #1 Hey, your breath smells really bad today and I hate ur clothes...lol
Person #2 ...um
Person #1 oh, and I think ur fat lol

(3) Person #1 So 13587 - y + 852371957 equals...
Person #2 lol

by KatieJaney3 July 6, 2010

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LoL used to be a term to describe laughing in an online conversation, meaning "laugh out loud"

Now, when used in actualy physical conversation, is a reference to an event, object, act, or thought, that is so stupid it could only be found on the internet.

"Dood, did you see that guy he looked like Guile from Street Fighter"

"LoL, you're an idiot."

by Jay Ferreira September 15, 2005

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Short for lollipop. Also known to be said from some of those fucking dumbasses that dont laugh but instead they spell out the letters "L. O. L." Out loud because they think its cool.(Mainly emo kids)

Dan - "Hey man, wanna go down to K-Mart and suck on some lols? I'm buyin!"

Andrew- "Naw, man. I think im getting bad cavaties from those lols!

Dan - "L. O. L."

by Br0wner April 15, 2006

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