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los fuckers

Please provide. I have no idea.

"los fuckers" observed in various places... like on a t-shirt in the movie Planet Terror

by hwcdesign March 30, 2012

hamsap lo

pervert person

ew! En Thong took off his shirt! hamsap lo!

by et da hamsap May 26, 2021


an hiphop/rap group from san jose california! it's made up of DK, ADiC, and DaMize!

trip-lo just released a great new album!

by yoyoyiggityyo408 November 27, 2011

Lo Weez

1. To emit gas from the anus.

2. To waste time talking about things that are none of your business, and falsely disparage those whose business it is.

“Did you just lo weez in my mouth?”

“That tall Sasquatch-sized person just lo weezed on everyone in the crowd and it tasted like old pork and dirty bandaids!”

“Molly is always butting in to other people’s business and spreading lies about them; she’s such a lo weez.”

“Don’t be a lo weez, mind your business!”

by Bbrrookkee August 9, 2019

Lo Weez

1. To waste time on things that are none of your business, and falsely disparage those whose business it is.

2. A nosy or rude person.

“Molly is always butting in to other people’s business and talking shit about them; she’s such a lo weez.”

“Don’t be a lo weez, mind your business!”

by Bbrrookkee August 9, 2019


a random sentence quackity said one time, it is now a world wide term said for no reason. why? who the fuck knows.

"heya whats up?"
"alright then."

by random person online June 9, 2021

Lo Tee

The lo tee. A Polo T-Shirt. Usually means your run-of-the-mill collared polo shirt, sometimes a plain t-shirt with the Ralph Lauren Polo branding. Commonly used in Philadelphia tri-state area.

Philly dudes when they start sweatin in they lo tee: AUQGQUWOFHWJAPWNFJWOA” - @phillydave on TikTok

by rooooyyg June 29, 2021