Name for a beautiful confident girl.Most likely to have browon hair and eyes.She's sexy and flawless.Most boys fall in love with melanie realy quickly for her personalily and her looks.Melanie is always right!YOU should never argue with a melanie.She has a great bog big boobs and ass also very good in bed.
Dawn that girl is defentily a melanie!
The human embodiment of an arse trumpet
Sounds like Melanie is nearby
Big sexy princess with nothing but gold and love in her life. She will be rich and in love with the most handsome man ever since melanie isn't gay. She is the coolest cool girl you will ever meet in your life. Live laugh love melanie.
Melanie is so sexy wow i wanna be her!
Origin: Greek Meaning: Darkness
Melanie is derived from the fable of a Greek goddess that mourned all winter yearning for Spring. Melanie, here today, is a Greek production manager and goddess that mourns all winter yearning for Spring. Everything Melanie brings is the opposite of Darkness. She is sunlight.
Melanie is sunlight
Melanie is a very beautiful girl who loves sports . She loves when people matches her energy and she has always been stuck on the same boy . She is very smart ,funny, and athletic and will be something big someday .She had a big future ahead of her and imagines her life with this one boy.
Melanie is a beast
Josiah: melanie a dumb ass hoe
Jaesean: ong bruh she always tryn start sum shi
The best person to ever exist I love this girl with all my heart she makes me laugh every time I see her she makes my life better in every way.
Me:hey Mel
Melanie: Shut up👹