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Universal debt forgiveness movement

A movement that seeks to pass a law that automaticaly grants debt forgiveness to everyone in the us no matter the amount. It is believed by people in this movement that if it's not done the debt in the us is so great that it will cause the economy to collapse and will lead to debt slavery for a large percentage of the population.

I an in the universal debt forgiveness movement.

by Deep blue 2012 April 23, 2010

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boggling bowl movement marker

The down marker used during the New Year's Day Boggling Bowl. It is usually carried by a well endowed, surgically enhanced female called the Boggling bowl Queen.

announcer: I thought it was fourth down but according to the boggling bowl movement marker it's only third down. I guess I was a little distracted by the young lady with the enormous assets.

by GORP July 27, 2006

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Southwestern states nationalist movement

A movement that seeks to make all the states in the southwestern US an independant nation because of all the bad laws and policies in the US.
There are two factions to the movement.
The left wing faction that is mostly made up of hispanics that resent the treatment they get because of there language and race when they are only coming here to find a better life. It is associated with the neohippie movement,advocates of the universal freedom admendmentand the underaged sex movement.
The right wing faction believes the US interfers too much in peoples personal lives and taxes them to death ect.

Lets all support the southwestern states nationalist movement.

by The wrath of God September 25, 2010

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American World Empire Movement

A movement that seeks to put the policy in place that the United States should conquer the rest of the world or all of it that they can. Because of the rest of the world are ignort,dirty and malnurished babbabians and the United States has a duty to bring civilization to the rest of the world.

Support the American World Empire Movement.

by Judge dredd7 April 8, 2011

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boggling bowl movement marker

A person that leaves drops of urine or streaks of defecation on or around a toilet seat. The mystery of this person is that he or she does not claim their "artwork" and instead leaves it for the next potty-goer to notice.

When I went to the office bathroom, I was alarmed to find that the boggling bowl movement maker had struck again and left a poo streak on the toilet seat for me to sit in.

by Chicken Head June 9, 2004

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Rebuild Babylon movement

A movement that seeks to rebuild the ancient city of Babylon on the site of the ancient city. And to make it the capitol of a new Babylonian empire and/or the capitol of a world government.
Many people who are into Babylonian paganism are also in this movement.

Support the Rebuild Babylon movement.

by Judge dredd7 August 3, 2011

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suicide civil rights movement

A movement that seeks the legal right to suicide. They do not promote it but think people should have that option.

What do you think about thesuicide civil rights movement?

by The Fury 13 October 28, 2010

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