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muffin dance

A term that means that you're pro-domestic violence. In the early 1900s when women asked "can we vote too?" they were asked to show their clams and dance out of the voting booths as people (men) threw desserts at them.

In 1929, the great great grandson of Abraham Lincoln famously said "I cannot tell a lie. Some of these bitches clams do stink, but there's no reason to make them do a Muffin Dance. They should be allowed to vote too." Women's henceforth could vote, and EVERYONE had muffins.

"I thought this whole trip was gonna be a muffin dance."

"Surely you've heard the term muffin dance before."

by shinystuffff April 5, 2016

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burnin the muffin

Speed fucking the bitch, causing heat sores.

Dwayne: "Wassup with yo girl?"
Leonard: "I wuz burnin the muffin last night ..."

by HandJive Willie June 27, 2009

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muffin lick

to kiss or lick the flab of flesh that overhangs a women's waist band or tube top( there muffin top)

when you lick someones muffin so that they don't want to eat it any more

I want to muffin lick that muffin top

by Dr TNT July 17, 2010

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Muffin Drop

the female version of the so-called tea-bag (originated from Halo and Arielle's basement)

"Last night, I thought I was getting tea-bagged, but I looked up and it was a MUFFIN DROP!"

by johnny g 327 October 18, 2009

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twat muffin

1. Used as an insult.
2. A vagina with an abnormally shaped clitoris similar to a pastry.
3. Comes in many different flavors including blueberry and chocolate chip.

1. Tammy, you're the biggest twat muffin I know.
2. I rolled my tongue around what appeared to be her clit, which was oddly similar to a muffin that I ate for breakfast.

by TRut and D Piddy February 22, 2005

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Muffin Toe

When you pull up your pants to cover your muffin top and accidently give yourself a camel toe.

Muffin Top + Camel Toe = Muffin Toe

by the evil one 76 May 8, 2009

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koala muffin

A fusion of a koala bear and a muffin (preferably blueberry) which results in a distinctly cute and tasty 'koalamuffin'

Usually seen after consuming one too many additives and/or E numbers

Person 1: Whoa, look at that unbearably cute walking muffin with fluffy ears

Person 2: No dude, that's a koala muffin, and blueberry flavored by the look of it

by RosieMuffin April 30, 2009

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