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Nig Noise

The chattering, screeching, and hooranging, but not limited to, noise, emanating from a troop of unruly, or even relatively domesticated, Niggers.

I couldn't even hear the movie, due to all of the incessant Nig Noise !

by PROCON666 August 20, 2009

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Ya Nig?

The black equivalent of ya dig

Mostly used when doing something in the nature of a black person

Yo we gon' go play some b-ball later, ya nig?

by PsychodelicBurrito October 28, 2011

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Nig Cigs

Slang for Djarum Blacks, which are completely black cigarettes. 40% clove 60% tobacco, probably the most unhealthy thing to smoke.

I just picked up a pack of nig cigs

by Ryan March 19, 2004

40πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Nig Sunday

β€œNig Sunday” is a religious holiday which takes place on every Sunday throughout the year. The religion focuses on being extremely lazy and living a stress-free life style on the first (new) day of each week. On this day only one single rule stands, which states, β€œOne must complete an activity, which may involve the usage of marijuana.” This single activity may include, but is not limited to, time and/or space travel, adventures involving hiking, and watching NFL (not including preseason) games.

Graner: What up Zehn?
Zehn: Chillin man, it’s Nig Sunday.
Graner: Word, you tryna go hike the waterfall?
Zehn: Hell yea, lets roll a fat L up?
Graner: Already got it, lets peace!

by Big Keith, Holla January 11, 2010

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Righteous Nig

Said usually when at a loss for words to describe the sighting of a black person (usually male) who possesses indescribably awesome attributes or qualities such as wearing a cool hat, keepin' a ho in line, beatin' down the white oppressors or just generally being ghetto and black.
Some popular Righteous Nigs include -
Samuel L Jackson
Laurence Fishburne
That Black Guy That Plays Drums For Jason Mraz

Note: Can also be adapted to suit the user's mood - Righteous Nog, Righteous Negro, Righteous Niglett/Noglett (in the case of younger Righteous Nigs), Righteous Blacker, Righteous Nig Nog Nag (in case of truly awe-inspiring negro qualities warranting the use of the highest negro compliment).

Guy 1 - *Oh wow, fuck yeah.*
Guy 2 - *What?*
Guy 1 - *You seen this awesome negro dancin'?*
Guy 2 - *Yeah he's truly amazing.*
Guy 1 - *A righteous nig indeed.* (Satisfied smile)


Guy 1 - *That Morgan Freeman he's so cool, ya know just the way he smiles an' shit just so awe-inspiring, a truly Righteous Nig*
Guy 2 - *And the fact that he's in EVERY FILM EVER MADE. Righteous or what?*
(Synchronised satisfied smile)

by YouDroppedYourGayCard October 17, 2009

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Pocket Nig

A black gentleman who lives within someones pocket.

That black fellow who was living in my pocket was a pocket nig.

by Pecknasty November 16, 2007

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The Big Nig

A big fat black African man who is the leader of a tribe "Whaitnelakawaka", who declared the word nig to mean King back in the 4th ammendment of 1873 written by Gucci Mane and Juice Wrld

This spear chucker is the big nig of tribe

by MonkePooCollector101 August 21, 2023