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A violent black male or women

Hey that’s a nigger

by Anonymous 12345567890 June 28, 2022

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Suing Kanye West for defamation, when he is speaking facts about lil boy g floydie. Get rolled lol bot floyd.

The daughter of George Floyd is a Nigger bro!

by topg88 October 19, 2022

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž



kys nigger

by NIGGERSTOMpER45 December 9, 2021


A slang for a black man.
In rap black men like to call them self Niggers.
If you are white you need a so called "n-word pass" to say the word Nigger or Nigga.
There two biggest things are there crime record and there bbc.

Oh that nigger almost killed me.

by nigalovah November 25, 2019


so when your friend calls you a nigger bro you should just pack his nigger ass

wassup my nigger

by GoonieGold June 29, 2021


In short, it's a derogative term for an african slave.

Jones: Quantavious is a Nigger.
Dave: No, he's just black.

by Ambassing January 27, 2023

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An extremely offensive term for a member of any black or dark skinned race.

black man: pushes white man over.
white man: you fucking nigger!

by 8leggedoctopus January 16, 2022