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Faux Brew Pas

Bringing the wrong beer or drink to a party.

Julie made a huge Faux Brew Pas when she brought wine coolers to the annual cocktail party. It's a good thing no one respects her in the first place.

I went with my girl to her folks cabin for the weekend. I brought a case of Summit hoping to impress her dad but I realized I made a Faux Brew Pas when I saw him drinking PBR and he thought I was a city-boy hipster.

by Greenfoolboy April 20, 2010


a slang term for penis-a man's private. Used if you dont want anyone to know what the hell you are talking about!

I had sex with this guy and he had a 10 inch long pa-nay-nay

by Buttsex-is good for your health June 20, 2006

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Blue Collar PA

Blue Collar is an eclectic rock/punk band out of Philadelphia. They have been together for over ten years, and continue to create amazing style-crossed music. BCPA, as they are affectionately known, have done it all; Opening up for Sugarcult and Phantom Planet outdoors; Packing the local pubs with their loyal fans; or driving ten hours to Vermont to wow an audience of twelve strangers. The music of Blue Collar is deeply rooted in the punk rock genre, but seems to break the stereotypes of a typical punk band. Within the elements of their music you hear some rock, a touch of hip-hop, funk, ska, and reggae. Whatever style you call it, the music is memorable and worth listening to over and over. The members of the band are as close as brothers. Tragically, one of the brothers was killed in a car accident in November of 2004. Front-man Vinny Green had a smooth, undeniable voice that has fast become the inspiration for the bands' future. Despite the hardships, Blue Collar has never faltered in their mission to create, perform, and amaze.

I am going to the Blue Collar PA Show at the Trocodero Theatre on July 8th at 6PM.

by I'll alwyas have a price tag on my heart. July 3, 2006

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vete pa' carajo

Puerto Rican for "Go fuck yourself."
Literally, "Go for fuck (hell)."

After the hit & run, the Rican told me "ยกVete pa' carajo!"

by gringo in PR May 20, 2005

115๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

faux pas-sibilities

options that spring to mind when you have the strange urge to make people feel uncomfortable

"oh, the faux pas-sibilities!"

by neibdle August 29, 2006

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West Chester, PA

for those who live in the actual town.

west chester is home to jackass, viva la bam and fairmans. A place where you can be frequently spotted holding a fennario's coffe cup or having brunch at penn's table. You go to the exton mall in your resonably priced car and shop whereever the clothes that fit you. One of your family members has probably lived in west chester their whole life, and graduated from henderson or east. Your not afraid to hang out in wendy's parking lots or get drunk on naty in the basement.

i live in west chester, pa.

by amy March 17, 2005

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Ma and Pa Kettle

An elderly couple that frustrates tailing automobiles by driving extremely carefully or slow, typically in an unpassable situation. Also can be used in the singular, regarding only "Ma" or "Pa" or similar old fart, depending on the gender of said driver.

I was making good time on that off-road until I ran into Ma and Pa Kettle going frickin' 25 mph.

by The Fish August 7, 2006

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