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hydrogen power plant

its like a nuclear power plant but more pollution and bigger explosion the explosion is bigger than a super volcano eruption so pretty much a hydrogen bomb prepared to a nuclear bomb

oh no the hydrogen power plant exploded!

by Cam188400 April 17, 2022

tree got planted

An easy deal that a gang has secured, meaning they've transitioned from the seed to tree instantly.

"howd it go wi the plug g"
"Easy dog tree got planted"

"Mapped out this guy gettin played out"

by Alezis August 13, 2018

Assistant Plant Manager

The Assistant Plant Manager is usually the smartest person in the plant. Everybody respects him and knows he is the man in charge. He is usually very funny and everyone always laughs at his jokes.

Employee 1: Does anybody know what to do?

Employee 2: no, but I bet the assistant plant manager has the answer!

by sausagefest12 March 12, 2019

love seat plant

Basically, the same as couch potato or sofa spud. Anyways it just means a lazy person who sits on a love seat watching television

Dude: Guy, what is your daily routine?
Guy: I sit on a love seat watching television
Dude: Ok, you are a.
*results printing*
Dude: Love Seat Plant

by IHaveAGun January 6, 2023

plant hat cult

An among us meme in which mulitple players where a plant hat and dance in a circle

Mr. Cheese: yo dude join the plant hat cult!
30 min. later: (dancing in circle) huming yanno bumbing bombo hinging min bombo sqaush banana

by bop was taken November 12, 2020

alaskan tomato plant

Slang word for Marijuana and/or a Marijuana plant

Have you seen my alaskan tomato plants lately? They are growing big and have a lot of flowers this year.

by Tinytim84 October 15, 2022

rice gum plant

a plant of a yeast youtuber that can only be obtained one posable way, you must go into an abandoned school with snake monsters, get the gum rip your organs out and put it in a snake monster so you become it, then ride a tree then die then get the gum off a house and die then get a pumpkin seed from a Minecraft store then get a cloning machine and die then get some rice and there you go

i'm growing rice gum plants

by shrek is our lord and saviour October 3, 2018

3👍 3👎