When you step out of the shower and you get dirt on ya feet
Yo bro clean up ya sand freckles
Little dick. Nobody will ever date him, (or at least suck his nothing) and he smells like a man whore
Gee man, you have a Spencer sands on your hands! I wouldn't want that.
sand in the eyes
you will never get my plans
*runs away*
The results of leaving your make up on all night. It typically causes the mascara to come off weirdly in the morning and can feel like gluing one's eyes shut.
Girl One: "Awww! After that party last night, I passed out without taking my make up off."
Girl Two: "Oh, don't tell me you have sleep sand?"
Girl One: "Ugh. Yeah I do. It's going to take 20 minutes just to remove it."
A caucasian woman who dates Middle Eastern men.
1. From the idea there will be sand on the mans penis that the woman will be taking orally.
Bob - "So Amy is dating a guy named Mustafa?"
Joe - "Yep, she turned into a Sand Sucker?"
The mexican corn chip santitas. But when mixed in with some liquor the bag appears to say San Titties.
Yo pass me some sand titties!
When you go to the beach and get sand in your vagina. Then you have sex. The resulting splooge - sand mixture is referred to as sand gravy.
Man, I wish we'd played volleyball in the gym instead of at the beach, because this sand gravy really chafes.