A plastic shovel that is transparent or translucent in appearance, instead of a solid plastic color or made of some other material entirely, such as metal.
Josie could have bought a normal-colored shovel but for reasons we will never know, decided to buy a clear shovel instead. Unbelievable.
The art of inserting your ballsack into an anus
Scott found it quite surprising how easy it was shovelling a gerbil
Retards, general handicap people who made it into everyday life, making it harder for you. Their parents should have got a shovel and buried them in the back yard
Look at that shovel kid over there..
that guy from jojo's bizarre adventure who's everywhere
shovel man
nooooooo don't remind me! now all i can think about is shovel man!
A person who mains Shovel Knight in the game Rivals of Aether.
"Im Shovel Knight main" -dani_heyl(Java)
scooping up all the stuff in your room on the floor
you have so much stuff on your floor you shovel your room and take arm loads off the floor and just pile it all up on the useless parts of your room
Hym "Andrew Tate shovel hook is the best I've ever seen. Right hand, left hand, doesn't matter. Set's it up nicely. Always downs."
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