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Dick Splash

The Splashing of excess liquid on a penis onto a certain individual, crowd, or object.

Windixie: Hey, I got Dick Splashed At School Today.

by RockManSam November 26, 2009

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B8 Splash

A delicious drink made with vodka, Country-Time Lemonade Mix, cranberry juice, orange juice, sprite, and just a splash of coconut rum.

Wow, this B8 Splash is so delicious I could drink it all day.

by the B8 June 13, 2006

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Splash Cup

What is Splash Cup? A drinking game, involving 2 teams of 2 people. (4 ppl) You set up with your partner on one side of the table and yourself on the other. (beruit size table) Each side of the table has 1 cup 2/3 filled. The game is played with 1 ping pong ball. You rotate shooting every shot with the other team.

Created by: Jeff Dell’Orfano Saint Anselm 11’
& Steve Gaudet Saint Anselm 11’ 8/19/2010

Splash Cup Official Game


Shoot for the cup on the other side of the table, if:

1.You shoot the ball and your partner deflects it with 1 hand, and it hits cup, but does not go in the cup: 1 pt.

2.You shoot and the ball goes in the cup (no deflection): 2 points.

3.You shoot it and your partner on the other side of the table deflects it in the cup using 1 hand (no double tapping/grabbing): 3 points.

4.You take a bounce shot, it goes in the cup: 4 points. ( This is the only shot the opposing player on the other side of the table can block)

5.You take a bounce shot, your partner then deflects it in the cup: 5 points. Alcohol

β€’ Drink must be in the other hand while playing. (no death cup)
β€’ Play until the 1st team reaches 21.

by Delli17 August 19, 2010

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dingle splash

The dingle splasher is when a person is shitting on the toilet and as his crap hits the toilet water it creates a splash of water upward into the person's anus while it is still open.

"hey LC why is your seat wet?" "Oh sorry, i just dingle splashed my butt pretty badly..."

by ChampHunter August 17, 2008

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Splash Mountain

The water that hits your anus hole right when you drop a turd

Bro after Taco Bell I went through Splash Mountain so many times

by Thiq_ Croissant March 17, 2017

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doodoo splash

the residue left, usually above the water level, in the toilet after taking a shit. also could be referred to as a water misser.

Minus left a huge doodoo splash in the upstairs bathroom.

by jamie carn August 9, 2006

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Splash Deck

The small of the back of a woman right above the ass crack, typically where the tramp stamp is located. Thusly named as the location where you can cum when doing it doggy style.

The girl had a small tattoo on her splash deck

by SexExec June 23, 2009

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