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inconsistent system

Each system (object) has two sets of points as per Alfred Tarski--a countable set and an UNcountable set.

In an inconsistent system; the uncountable set is on the surface-exterior..making the system countable.

Tarski objects are divided into consistent systems and inconsistent systems; with the consistent systems having the uncountable set on the surface interior. This means that the universe is a countable system whereas the mind is NOT a countable system.

This is because the mind contains its uncountable set on the surface interior; whereas the universe contains its uncountable set on the surface-exterior.

The mind is a non-tarski object meaning it cannot transfer its uncountable set to the hypermorphic plane through neo-nominalism.

by metastatic February 27, 2022

Eddie System

Ed-Dee-Sys-Tem (noun)
1. A system created in 2010 to help struggling working classmen succeed in the work place

2. A system created to run in a grocery store.

3. An ordered and comprehensive assemblage of facts, principles, doctrines, or the like in a particular field of knowledge or thought: a system of philosophy.

4. A coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme: a system to succeed.

5. Any formulated, regular, or special method or plan of procedure: a system of marking, numbering, or measuring; a winning system at bridge.

6. A system founded by Eddie. It is described as a system to be successful at success.

Ray is running the Eddie System. He has all checkstands open, and is making check out success

by HollywoodSF March 13, 2012

penalty system

the absolute fucking nightmare encountered when playing gran turismo sport
fuck the penalty system, seriously

penalty system:
Punt someone off track: NO PENALTY

by the_UD_traveller October 6, 2020

factory system

an arrangement bringing manufacturing steps together in one place to increase efficiency

When they steam engine was invented, this imroved the factory system.

by ANONYMOUS739292 February 28, 2017

a product of the System

A product of the System

#he is, #Why are we,#there shoed be, #will there be, ( a product of the System) related to the story ,it refects to the state of being, or the product of, a society can bring fort (aproduct of the System) sheep will follow sheep, not nesesaraly be the Wolf ,but be differend dont be (a product of the System), therefore Think, be creatif, and evolve.

by Softpress April 19, 2018

Lather System

The lather system is the usage of various hygienic products, essential oils and specific cologne/perfume combinations in a sequential order to properly pamper the body from head to toe making it both sensual and tantalizing to the nose, eyes, mouth and touch.

When you incorporate ATJ's lather system into your daily routine, you are lathered!

What do you use on your beard, it looks amazing? "The lather system!"

by ATJLYFE December 30, 2019

American System

Paying your own bills when having a friends gathering at an eat out place. Usually used in the sub continent.

Khan: So who is going to pay the bill?

Malik: American system ;)

by libran November 18, 2011