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Ruby Valentine

A girl named Ruby Valentine is a very nice and loving person. She doesn’t care about anything that someone says about her. She is very small. Some girls named like this can be pretty some may not. She is very popular because of her looks. Anyone who stands in her way will defo regret it cause she can fight. All the boys go after her because of how sexy and gorgeous she is.

Omg Ruby Valentine is coming she is so sexy!

by Mike Oswald April 13, 2020

ruby tobin


Ruby Tobin is so cool

by Ygrthjilkmuygbu October 1, 2021

ruby roo

The most beautiful girl ever!! She's brown haired and blue eyed and she is kind and thoughtful and always sings Justin bieber coz she's the biggest fan

I love Ruby roo

by Heyheyhey112233 December 4, 2016

Ruby and Elliot

Cutest couple

Omd ruby and Elliot are so cute

by RUUUUBEEE June 27, 2022

Ruby pass

Ruby is the most beautiful thing in the world even if she is ginger she has a massive heart and cares for others. Now she may be a bitch at times but she is amazing. She is the most sexy thing with a lion main for hair. She walks round the street and gets random compliments on her hair but just doesn’t know what to say back so awkwardly says thank you. Ruby pass will blow you mind when you see her. Ruby loves to hang out with her friends but rarely can. She had people leading after her and all ways has to say no. Ruby is gorgeous.

Ruby pass is gorgouse

I know right

by _gingers_are_underated_ March 20, 2021

ruby rayne

the bestest friend in the hole world and supper cool and awesome and amazing

Ruby rayne is one of my best friends

by mcyt_ivory April 21, 2023

Ruby’s day

Get your best friend a slytherin or Draco themed cheap item because your best friend might have corona and she is upset and broke. Eg. Slytherin canopy, Draco things. This day is the 26th of September.

Hey you exited for Ruby’s day?” “Yes totally it’s nice to do something nice for once!”

by Dracoisbae September 21, 2020