When you take a girl from Denzel Curry and shag her in your tent (whilst using protection) whilst your boys are at Netsky.
Oh shit bro did ya pull a tent gate last night?
Dalton if you haven't ever known a Dalton they are every loving and romantic guy that will do anything for anyone that he cares about.He will protect his friends and girlfriends with his life.Dalton's are very strange even if they are skinny.Dalton's are very strange but hot in a weird way.but there is one pacific type of Dalton.his name is Dalton gates.he is my boyfriend and he cares about me in many ways.And he can please me in many ways as well. So if you see him say Emilie said hi he'll know what your talking about.
Dalton gates is so sexy
Dalton gates is so caring
Another way of saying "taken" (as in a relationship). Can be said by either gender.
Guy tries to hit on girl but then finds out she has a boyfriend.
Guy: Oh, so you gated up now?
Girl: Yeah, and it ain't gonna change so get lost!
Staying in someone's blind spot for a really long time while driving.
Instead of passing me cleanly, the dude was just blind-gating. Luckily, I had my mirrors set up so I could see him.
A book written by Moors murderer Ian Brady. I’m reading it right now and it’s really good.
Despite being a child murderer, The Gates of Janus is a good read. I like to see the world through a murderers’ eyes. Even if that seems pretty morbid. Ian Brady was a very interesting man, despite his killing spree.
the lesbian version of a cock block.
“damn claudia has really been pussy gating me this weekend.”
I want to peg 1970s Bill Gates, I need to fuck his sweet nerd ass and hear those cute little twink whimpers