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bare-faced lie

a deliberate lie, a planned lie

His statement to the police was false - a bare-faced lie.

by VAKI5 May 9, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hips Don't Lie

An individual who feels it is appropriate to use dance moves from the Wii game "Just Dance" or other variations on an actual dance floor.

Josh: "I hope they play Girlfriend at Prom this year! I know all the moves!"

Forrest: "Hips Don't Lie over here is gonna get his groove on."

by DJ Forresto January 20, 2011

111๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

No Lie Dead Serious

The ancient pact that unifies truth from brother to brother allowing the validity of a statement to be unquestioned.

PERSON 1 :"Dude, I just sharded all over myself!"

PERSON 2 : "No Lie Dead Serious?"

PERSON 1 : "Dude, No Lie Dead Serious!"

by Honz and Hanz March 9, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

4th of Jew Lie

The 4th of each month when Jewish mothers meet to get their hair done and lie about how successful their children are. The embellishment escalates as the conversation moves down the line resulting in a case of one-upsmanship that ultimatly leads to all things said a complete fabrication

Golde: My son just passed the boards and the bar so he's a Doctor Lawyer.
Deborah: My son is a CPA and works for Zack Braff
Hester: My son is Zack Braff
4th of Jew Lie

by MindGrapes February 22, 2016

23๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

bald faced lie

The idea is that that liar doesn't even have facial hair to hide his facial expression, and thus the lie is easily recognized -- and yet is told anyway.

Note: the expression is not bold face lie.

Saturday Night Live has had two characters that specialize in bald faced lies, Jon Lovitz's The Pathological Liar (e.g. "Morgan Fairchild. Yeah, that's it.") and Kristen Wiig's Penelope the Compulsive Liar (e.g. "Mine when through the roof too, they were just really high, they went around the roof and through the roof, so high that they were all over the roof. They were higher than yours."

by ceolaf2 January 14, 2009

52๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

lie-flat seat

An airline seat that offers a recline of at or near 180 degrees, but the angle of the seat is not parallel to the floor, rather a slant towards the floor. These seats are offered by many airlines' long-haul Business Class flights.

Singapore Airlines has defined the standards of a lie-flat seat.

by tripper December 7, 2004

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bull faced lie

bold face lie. obvious complete bull. bfl.

I know the truth and that was a complete bull faced lie!

by mulletHEAD April 13, 2007

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