Source Code

The Chode

Somebody that is a really chodey person.
Who can't stop saying CHODE!!!!!!!
Someone who has a chode dog!!!!!!!

Eric is a CHODE!!!!!
He is a lazy Chode!!!!!
He can also be a super Chode!!!!!
You don't want to be the chode!!!!
Chodes are stupid!!!!!

by chodey chodeson September 18, 2006

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Not long and skinny but short and stubby

My boyfriend has a chode and he want me to give him a blow job but it was to small

by crunky March 29, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nob thats wider than it is long probably hard to grip.

An insult

1 his chode is really hard to wank
2 shut up u fucking chode
3 people who actually use chode as an insult

by jo31111 June 28, 2007

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Another insulting combination

Steve is a fuckin chodespank.

by Booyea February 7, 2003

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a small fat penis.. anthony has a chode

anthony has a small fatty which makes him a chode..

by loser lauren October 21, 2007

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1) short stubby dick

2) creepy people

1) I bet President Bush has a chode...

2) ew! that guys a total chode!

by Agent Swastika Bee Squirrel November 16, 2006

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A dick wider than it is long

The man had a very big chode, everyone was staring at him.

by Zaten August 3, 2005

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