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dark vibe

Inner bad persona

That creepy guy gave me a "dark vibe".

by researchmom November 16, 2017

6👍 2👎

Whata Vibe!

A better way of saying fire so you don’t sound like a hypebeast kid when you are a hypebeast. Mostly used by the_8_bit_uniqlo
Whata Vibe!

Guy: *shows picture of hypebeast shoes*
Other guy: Whata Vibe!

by the_8_bit_uniqlo November 10, 2019

vanilla vibes

When a guy/girl is giving you the vibe they are hella basic n boring in bed. Basically have no kinks and just likes the basic missionary position till you both cum.

lochie is giving me vanilla vibes but i wanna be choked and like full abused when we fuck, ion think he'll be into that.

by ineedarootmate December 1, 2018

Gray vibes

Feelings of depression and undergoing anxiety, being moody, feeling gloom, and showing disinterest in life itself.

I can't be happy when I always feel gray vibes.

by Taz the misfit December 10, 2017

Vibe Change

An alter in the vibe between two or more people. Most often a secondary explanation for rejection. Can be mutual or one sided.

Me and Betrice were talkin a couple weeks ago. I didn't get rejected, there was just a subtle vibe change in the atmosphere.

by VibeBeast October 30, 2019

Kenshi Vibes

Refers to the game Kenshi.

Something e.g. A picture that looks or feels like something from the game Kenshi (post-apocalyptic, robot-skeletons)

This picture really gives off some Kenshi vibes, bro.

by May 3, 2021

committing the vibe

Committing the vibe is usually what happens when u listen to music while doing that homework that is due in 15 minutes and you haven't started. You try not to stress out and because you are the procrastinating fuck you are, you get lost in the music instead of doing your actual work.

mom: Son you better be doing your homework and don't you dare start committing the vibe or I will have your father beat your ass
me: Either I can listen or, woah I love this song

by ThisKidThatPostedThis March 10, 2021