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Dos Pelicans

Two soldiers that think they're funny, so they inflict themselves on the public via their Fb page "Dos Pelicans". Vulgar. Overly sexual. Stunning. Intelligent. Bored. Irresistible. Classy motherfuckers.

Girl: OMG I want to be DP'd so badly!!
Boy: I'm your boyfriend. And I'm right here -_-
Girl: You're not Dos Pelicans, babe. Get over yourself.

by VirJohn June 14, 2013

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do a mubin

Failing to reply calls or call back, in a reasonable time frame, when you recieve calls from friends.

I called him 2 months ago, and he promised to call me back. Did he just do a mubin on me? I guess I'll never know, since he will never call back.

by Wax77 September 19, 2017

Doing a Ritchie

Threatening to get one's balls/wang out and then backing out.

"i'm to teabag you" *unzips trousers*
"go on then"
*zips up trousers*
"awww. hes Doing a Ritchie "

by Monstermash123 October 28, 2008

doing a Hemingway

Traveling and visiting numerous cities around the world, whilst enjoying life; Drinking heavily and having many sexual relationships, hopefully resulting in a novel.

*Guy 1* "Hey, what are you gonna do after High school?"
*Guy 2* "I'm thinking of doing a Hemingway, you know"

by Polynices. March 28, 2014

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Actual sexual intercourse, not making out or dry humping

I guess if they are still together they are DOING THE DEED regularly

by neverlad January 17, 2020

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What Do

A popular way of saying "What to do" or "What should I do" on the image board 4chan. Normally included with a picture.

I walk into my room and see this, what do?

by Desertman123 February 14, 2010

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Doing Kermit

The action of getting high by licking toads/frogs covered with hallucinogenic chemicals

"Toad licking" is also known as: "lilly-padding", "frenching the prince", and "doing kermit"

by Blarg Bilowsky July 14, 2005

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