At the latest 2021 Dakar rally Toby Price an Australian Motorbike Rider, destroyed his back tyre, on one on the dakar stages. Instead of quitting he used cable ties, to fix his tyre and limp it to the end of the stage. So the modern day athlete version of Mcgyver.
Mate your tyre is falling to bits. Its ok, "Just do a Toby Price" and it'll make it til you finish.
When you break your wheel/tyre and you use at least cable ties to fix it. Nearly as good as McGyverying it, but better as Toby Price is an Aussie Legend.
Hey Baz, the mower wheel is broke.. its alright just do a Toby Price, that'll fix it.
A very good looking man and with homosexual tendencies
Would you like to make out some time toby steer?
An alias of Rucka Rucka Ali
Toby Queef made the song named Christmas in Afghanistan
It is a fat person that is name quandale who is a munch
Look toby is a munch
He is much of a bad boy and don’t even try to fight this guy he will whip his cock out and bum you
Guy 1:Hey did you see Toby he’s stupid
Guy 2:I’d be careful saying that
Toby Gartland: *whips cock out* starts bumming ‘Guy 1’